Monday 8 October 2012

PCL - Finalising the name

After talking to a few of the independent shops and boutique owners we learnt that the name of the company doesn't have to be to strict and be the all and end all of the business, it can inform some of the identity and aim of the business but it needs to be flexible to the change in consumer demands and fashion trends as well as be sustainable. 

With this in mind we thought it would be a lot easier to choose a wrong we were!

We liked the name Obediah from the start but it means servant of God and we don't want people to think we're a religious. The word to us just sounds good and it's memorable and also no other clothing label is called Obediah.  This is the name we eventually settled with but we went through a heck of a load before we got to this point, all of which were taken or cheesy or just didn't have any relevance whatsoever and didn't work.

These are the names that I wrote down, I'll add Marty's later on once they are up on his blog. A lot of these I came up with while having the concept in mind that we would be screen printing short run batches of our designs and trying to keep the label unique and fresh and as individual as possible.

- original
- exclusive
- custom
- limited
- limit
- ltd
- lim ed
- 1st edition // 1st ed
- edition
- edit
- custom edit
- first
- one off
- by demand
- original edit
- state of the origin // soto
- original state
- race
- finish
- ready set go // rsg
- on your mark // oym // only your make
- ohm // only hand made
- hunted
- oscillate
- rout out clothing // roc
- hard to come by // htkb
- true till the last // tttl
- mine
- once
- personale
- jag // just another garment
- marmalade
- honey
- jam
- original trend t-shirt outfitters // otto
- common
- un apparel
- same 
- trammel
- bound
- curb
- specify
- first and last label // fall
- aboriginal
- unrefined
- crude
- ordinary
- form
- procedure
- initiate
- impression
- screen
- type
- effigy
- abd // apparel by demand
- notion
- not // no ordinary trend
- no accident
- schert

The more we searched and tried to come up with ideas the harder it got so we went back to what we liked originally. Now we're going to spend some time apart designing and then come back together to refine the designs and compile some of them for print.

I also got in touch with Thierry shortly after this meeting and told him of our progress and that I'll be writing an up to date brief and rationale to send to him be fore we have a meeting sometime next week.

Really glad we've finally settled on a name. I think the biggest struggle was getting over the fact that it will be the name of the company for good and we were trying too hard to nail in on the head first time. The name may develop as will the concept over time.

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