Saturday 19 November 2011

'GOOD IS' - Logo Amendments.

The band logo I designed early on has gone under a lot of changes and tweaks throughout the process of applying it to the packaging so I've put together these screenshots to show whats been changed.

This was the first logo I made. Initial response was that its a bit bland but the design is fun and 'cute'.

Here I've added more colour to the ukulele and the string on the monocle giving it a much more complete look. 
On top of this I have arranged the ukulele so that its in between the two blue circle that create the monocle to make it look as though its trapped inside it and it gives the colours a duller tone which softens it making it less aggressive visually. I now have my typefaces chosen so I have scraped the vectored type face on the previous version for the 'Riesling' type face which works a lot better and sits more comfortably on the logo.

Finally adjustments. On the banner I've changed the outlines on all the shapes to the fill colour so it looks slightly less cartoon like. I've done a similar thing with the flea illustration and I've also added a few things that were missing previously like a moustache and a string for the monocle, before people assumed that was just part of the eye. On the body of the flea I've given it some shadowing to add more detail and make it less flat even though it's a 2D image. Lastly I've changed the 4 bars at the bottom underneath the banner to the colours on the body of the flea which I think made it more subtle and because I had changed the banners outline the bars looked out of place.

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