Friday 9 November 2012

PCL - the new logo

After the second concept crit Marty and I had to sit down and really go over the feedback and listen to what people had said about the current logo so we could make it more appropriate. They felt as though we hadn't changed it enough and weren't listening to the feedback from the first concept crit. 

Yaf suggested keeping the logo more simple and type based and Luke told us to drop the 'set 2012' we'd added because it's not necessary as we're still in 2012. On top of this several anonymous bits of feed back pointed out problems with the hierarchy in the logo so we've completely changed it and designed it so their is no confusion with what it says.

And here it is.

Now the logo reads as OTTO instead of Obediah The Trend Original which was a bit of a mouthful. The word OTTO is an abbreviation of the original title so we're are still keeping the same concept for our mission statement and what we want to achieve etc.

I did really like the logo before but I'm more pleased with this one as it seems to get a better response from the peer group, and we haven't altogether scraped the previous logo, instead we're going to use it as a t-shirt design as people responded to it so well when photos went up on Facebook of my brother wearing it.

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