Wednesday 4 January 2012

TOP 10 THINGS - Brief briefing.

This is just a shirt briefing given to the year before the Christmas break to outline the work and research that needs to be done before we come back.


- 4, less than ten second, Idents for a television programme based on the top 10 thing; to know about...worst/best...types of something etc

- 1 sixty second title sequence for the programme.

Think carefully about what you want to do in terms of subject matter.
Don't do Christmas.
Don't do something because it will look good.
Make it factual and informative, fun and interesting.

You choose the channel it will appear on - has to include the identity - target audience - brand
Make it relevant to the channel.

Source Material:-

- genre
- subject
- audience
- context (channel)
- research
- images
- fonts/typefaces
- colours

Static assets are needed - lists of things, images of things

Don't stress over the subject - think about it - choose - surround yourself with research.

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