Tuesday, 29 November 2011

SILENT MOVIE - Bounce & Expand.

Possible words:-

- Disperse
- Collide
- Drop
- Float
- Expand
- Click
- Bounce
- Spin
- Snap

From the randomiser I got EXPAND & BOUNCE



- enlarge
- swell
- grow
- increase
- fill
- contract (opposite)
- extend
- stretch
- build
- bulk up
- dilate
- billow
- inflate
- mature
- outstrip
- outgrow
- spread
- explain
- define
- interpret
- clarify
- diffuse
- permeate
- scale up
- unfold


- to become larger
- to make something larger
- to do business and relating to doing business
- to make something easier to understand
- to talk more broadly on a subject
- to spread over an area larger than the original area
- to calculate or count
- to increase the extent, number, volume or scope of something.


- gym ball
- balloon
- metal
- magnifying glass
- bread/dough
- hair extensions
- flesh rings
- vegetables/fruit
- flowers
- elastic band
- rubber
- latex/spandex
- lecture theatre
- the universe


- a business investing money into a sector to increase its profitability for the following term or year
- a balloon being blown up for a party
- bread raising in the oven
- extending a point in conversation to someone to better describe what your talking about
- an expansion pack for outdated software
- playing hide and seek and spreading out over a larger playing field to cover a greater area
- attending a lecture to expand you knowledge on a particular subject matter
- the universe we live in, being forever expanding
- your stomach expanding after having eaten too much food
- lungs expanding as you breathe in air

Type Faces:-



- reflect
- rebound
- deflect
- impact
- spring
- bound
- banish
- boot (out)
- eject
- cast out
- dismiss
- chase
- expel
- extrude
- run off


- to move up and down or backwards and forwards
- the event where an object collides with and bounces against a plane surface
- to cause a rebound
- to cause and reflection off a surface
- to issue a cheque drawn on an account with insufficient funds
- to present to another person to elicit comments or to gain approval
- to walk with springing steps
- to recover from a blow or defeat quickly
- to expel precipitately from a place
- to eliminate from a competition by defeating
- colloquialism; "lets bounce" meaning lets go/get a move on


- gym ball
- trampoline
- basket ball
- football
- tennis ball
- silly putty
- cheque
- bed/mattress
- space hopper
- pogo stick
- bouncy castle
- sofa
- inflatable chair
- tigger
- door man
- table tennis table


- bouncing ideas off someone in a crit
- bouncing a ball against a wall
- jumping on a trampoline
- a cheque bouncing from lack of funds
- an email failure resulting in a rebound email to inform you of the failure
- bouncing a baby on your knee to comfort it
- bouncing on your bed or mattress as a child
- bouncing someone into doing something they don't want or intend to do
- a table tennis match
- 'Bounce wiggle, bounce wiggle' lyrics in All Alone by the Gorillaz
- 'The Bouncer' weapon from Rachet & Clank the Playstation game
- a doorman/men bouncing a drunk person from a club
- Chris: "shall we go home then?" Me "yeah lets bounce"

Types Faces:-



- working with just type for this brief to really strip down the content to something basic and to not over complicate things.

Basic understanding of short 5 second sequences

- output file has to be Quicktime

- use college card to make storyboards as its roughly equally to the ratio 16:9 which is the aspect ratio that the motion graphics we'll be producing will be in.

- time, ability, software - these will all prevent or restrict you from doing certain things and carrying out some ideas

- colour can change in each of the 5 resolutions so long as its still black, white and just 1 colour per resolution.


pick 2 words from the randomisers...

For each word come up with:-

20 other words that have something to do with that word
20 means - web definitions - thesaurus/ dictionary definitions - e.g. 'FLASH' - camera flash, dressed sharply, indecent exposure
20 objects that relate to the word (these must all be images)
20 situations - e.g. 'FLASH' - flash of lightning, camera flash at a wedding


Identify 20 appropriate typefaces to do with each word
each typeface must be typed up with the sizes small, medium and large using your words
so 20 typesfaces x3 = 60.
60 x2words = 120
120 + (80 x2words) = 280 things to produce in total.

These need to be blogged and printed if possible for the next workshop.

Also bring 4 pens. 1 fine, 1 medium, 1 think and 1 coloured of any weight.

OUGD202 Module briefing.

Notes from the briefing.

Module deadline Wednesday 8th Feb 2012 1pm
60% of the module is about research/ concept development/ investigation
40% of the module is about the produciton and resolution

Have to be really consistent with the blogging for this module in order to learn and develop and document efficiently

Very important for this module.
ISSUU - collections of devlopment
VIMEO - tests on a daily basis/ experiments
A systematic approach to documenting.

Temperamental stuff - organise - folders - files for briefs - name everything.


Interactive and Static/ Passive

Module focuses on Static/ Passive side of digital media but still considers Interactive possibilities.

Motion Graphics in particular is the focal point - sequential thinking - time - delivery

 web page layout
asset design and production
Corporate site design
Creative online content
Interface design
Flash Assets

Lots of areas under this topic to explore and consider. Broad range of job types and possibilities for creative responses.


file size and format
end user capabilities
end user technology
fixed/specified aspect ratio (16:9 widescreen, 4:3 is the older ratio)
colour modes - RGB, wed safe, colour gate

Stimulated approach
keep the research process the same - what are you inspired by?
not just looking at design for screen it can be anything that you are inspired by or interested in.

Systematic approach
consistent development/ documentation and evaluation

Intuitive approach


OUGD202 - Software Workshop - After Effects

After Effects - created for video post production

Can import photoshop and illustrator documents - layered documents manipulating individual layers - lots you can do with it.

Today looking at the very basics.
Document set up.

later sessions wil be more complex

Tip of the day.

Orange line highlights the area your working in. clicking on a different area will highlight that area instead.


Layers over time


Important menus for applying effects

window menu is similar to photoshop and illustrator, the ticks show which windows are open.

New project jsut reloads the startup screen.

New composition will allow you to start your project. You can have multiple compositions within a project.

New Composition pop up box

Presets. We use Pal in England. The bottom half of the drop down box is used for video.
Today we're using Pal D1/DV widescreen Square Pixel.

This gives you this presets default settings. 
- Frame rate 25 frames per second 
- 30 seconds of duration 
 -background colour, black

This can be changed now or later on it doesn't have to remain this way. You just need to go to the Composition menu and then select Composition Settings to get this pop up window again.

The background colour is black because its in the colour mode RGB so the colour value is 0. This is the opposite for print where it would be a white background as you can't print white.

This is what the default composition looks like.


Pop up window for new solid layer

Name your layers.
Change the height and width by clicking and scrolling along with the mouse over the yellow numbers, or you can click the dotted line under the number and type the numbers yourself.

you can also choose a colour and the click ok to create your layer.

The red bar shows the time of the composition, you can shorten this red bar on individual layers or position them so that compositions over lap and happen in sequence, this extends the length of the project.

Adding a second layer, keeping the dimensions the same but changing the colour and giving it a different name.

The yellow arrow in the time area indicates where you are in your composition as it plays through, you can start playing your composition by pressing the space bar on the keyboard. You can also use the home keys to jump to the beginning and the end of your composition.

You can change the layers using the options in the drop down menu that comes with each individual layer. You can change:-
- anchor point
- position
- scale
- rotation
- opacity

Key frames.

By clicking the little circular symbol in these drop down menus you create a key frame. Its an additional bit of information on a particular frame that signifies that start of an effect.

For example, Position.

Selecting position whilst viewing the frame you want in the composition window, you mark when your  position change will begin.

Then you move the cursor on the time bar to where you want the movement to end and you drag the layer to where you want it to move to. You will see a line that goes between the two positions, this is the path the layer will take when moving.

Now when you play the composition it will move from the first position to the second over that period of time that you have determined


(lives between the Z and the Shift key) 
Allows you to get a full screen view of any of the windows in after effects. Similar function the the W key for Indesign when it takes away the guides and marks so you can see a blank page.

Each key P, A, S, R and T is a shortcut:-

- P = position
- A = Anchor point
- S = Scale
- R = Rotation
 -T = Transparency

I & O
(In and Out)
These shortcuts are for jumping to and from the beginning and the end of a layer.

Shows all applied effects on each manipulated layer, pressing it twice in quick succession gives you more details.

This duplicates any layers you have selected.


Add to render queue

New window where the composition menu is
Output module
change animation to H.264

Your project will only start exporting when you click the render button in the render queue window.

Monday, 28 November 2011

Vimeo account.

I've just created my Vimeo account. I've documented a few of the tutorials and what I did to sign up so I can look back to these posts during the upcoming module if I need to jog my memory.

<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/339189?title=0&amp;byline=0&amp;portrait=0" width="400" height="300" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="http://vimeo.com/339189">Upload Tutorial</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/staff">Vimeo Staff</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>

And so it begins.

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

OUGD201 - Self Evaluation.

 Module Code 

 Module Title



1.  What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?
I have discovered and developed a lot of new skills through this module. The most useful I found was the software workshops as they taught me lots of new ways to create simple yet visually satisfying imagery with Photoshop and Also how to apply colour in a multitude of ways over Adobe creative suite.

I found the short development briefs during the first half of the module really useful to kick start the second year as the challenged me and also brought back some of the creativity and work ethics which subsided over the summer break. Although some of the tasks were a bit daunting and in places tedious it did force out much more solid designs and it was especially good practice with drawing and thinking about how to utilise my drawing tools.

Moving on to the second half of the module I found myself designing more than I ever had on the course so far which I really enjoyed and got carried away with which caused me to take on too much work, sometime I’ve learnt from this is how to step back and rationalise my work and be more selective and generally sensible with my choice of response.

2. What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

Practical skills that I have developed include screen printing, which I had only done a little of before, foil blocking, duplex/double sided printing and photography. After using the screen print facility and getting such good quick results first time I feel encouraged to go back and print more for future projects and for any personal or side projects that I plan to carry out. Double sided printing I found difficult to get my head around especially when manually feeding it in the mac suites however I did learn how to send documents properly to the printers for duplex printing and different weights of stock and applications of ink. I particularly enjoyed experimenting with foil blocking because it was different to any other print I’ve ever done and produced really effect results.

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

The strengths of my work lies in the amount of ideas and possibilities that I have come up with. This did make it a task in itself to actually make  choices of what to carry out for my range however I felt that my ideas and my concept development skills had massively improved in this module.

I’ve been keeping up with my targets that I set at the start of the year the main one being more organised with my time. I managed to get a lot more work done because I kept making ‘to do’ lists and design plans. To improve on this I would say to myself looking back that I should blog them and tick them off as I go.

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?

Losing focus occasionally, I often get too stuck into designing or blog or researching and forget to spread my time across the many tasks that we have set out for us and by ourselves. For example, I’ve been so concentrated on this module that I have about 2 CTS seminars and a lecture to blog about and research as well as blogging the PPD and enterprise tutorials and the latest type session.

Being indecisive has always been a weak point for me, I tried to over come this as much as possible by getting someone to give me their opinion or crit my work. Most of the time this worked nicely and helped but others left me exactly where I was.

5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

  1. Think big as usual but condense my targets and goals so as not to undertake more than I can manage. After these targets are met I will be able to expand creating a more efficient and focussed way of working.
  2. Blog my to do lists and tick them off on my blog to show progress and development and the things that I’m thinking about and prioritising.
  3. Make use of the college facilities more. After using a lot of the facilities that I avoided last year I can see how easy and effective they are. I want to use them more for upcoming briefs and also side projects that I have plans for.
  4. Blog more vigilantly. After workshops and seminars is easy and second nature now, however, I need to document my work more thoroughly using screenshots of the things I’m doing using software.
  5. Pay more attention to Design Context. I sometimes get carried away with designing so much that I forget to go back into my Context blog and update it or add to it. Also I’m starting to look at work whilst designing using multiple tabs when browsing the internet so I can quickly draw inspiration or blog something interesting and/or relevant.

6.How would you grade yourself on the following areas:
(please indicate using an ‘x’) 

5= excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average, 1 = poor





Quantity of work produced


Quality of work produced


Contribution to the group


The evaluation of your work is an important part of the assessment criteria and represents a percentage of the overall grade. It is essential that you give yourself enough time to complete your written evaluation fully and with appropriate depth and level of self-reflection. If you have any questions relating to the self evaluation process speak to a member of staff as soon as possible.