Tuesday 1 May 2012


This is our first crit of our written brief and rationale. We weren't required to make boards but I thought it would help to talk about what I plan to do if I had some visuals.

Board 1: short clear message of what the brief is.
Board 2: Contextual References to other work that I'm interested in and that I would like to produce.

Board 3: the brief and rationale in full detail.

Board 4: Method of Delivery - digital/screen, promotion, print etc.

Feedback given by

Michael Mooney
Lisa Whitaker
Luke O'brian
Joe Warburton
Beth Yates


Have the briefs been analysed appropriately in order to identify and clarify the range of problems posed. Does the evidence presented suggest that the brief/problems have been fully explored and understood.

- brief has been investigated well to produce an interesting challenge...good potential for a large range of products
- good analysis of problem, not just taking the brief as it is - expanding it. Looking at methods of delivery, how your audience is going to receive your work.
- range could be expanded even more, distributed through other means...deconstructed brief well - identified problem - different from traditional LWL covers.
- a broader range could be proposed, expand on what you already have
- using the idea of promotion through a film festival, you can use this as a source for deliverables.
- you have explored the Little White Lies brief well - could look at similar magazines/ezines for ideas.


Comment on the breadth and range of conceptual development presented. Are the ideas informed by appropriate research and represent a significant and innovative approach to idea generation in response to the identified problems.

- concept has been informed by a good level of research...typographical response will be interesting if executed well
- interesting take on the illustration brief - going to produce some distinctive covers...film festival - great way to get the deliverables out there
- film festivals - could be looked at in more depth...promotion/advertising/sponsor
- look at typographic designers and movie related design and find a way of relating it
- think about what is going to inform the typeface development other than just other typefaces


Comment on the appropriateness of design development and proposed design solutions. Are they relevant to the brief and do they fully exploit the creative potential/opportunities offered by the brief.

- potential for manipulation across different formats
- lots of scope for typefaces - look at how many different applications of these then could be, prints, posters etc - could push the range further and produce multiple edition covers for each movie, different quotes? different type?
- focused design aesthetic - type as image clear focus and direction
- no  initial designs yet but this is good, don't jump the gun until you have a clearly defined idea
- maybe consider animating the typeface

We will be criting in the same groups next Wednesday so after the feedback was given on everyones concept we had to then come up with a list of ten things that we expect to have done and to show by the next crit.

1. design sheets
2. refined brief and rationale
3. idea sheets
4. defined choices
5. boards - product/range/distribution as it would be for submission
6. research and development boards - primary and secondary
7. action plan
8. list of products your going to produce and produce
9. illustrations - drawings and vectors
10. specifications
11. mock ups
12. content for artwork
13. progress evaluation
14. contextualisation
15. audience

Refined list of 10.

1. design sheets 
(concept development/development/range)
2. specifications
3. specific range/exploration
4. mock ups/prototypes/test pieces
5. progress evaluation
6. clarified brief and rationale
7. contextualisation/distribution
8. research
9. content
10. audience
(who are they?/that are they interested in?/details about them)

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