Monday 14 March 2011

Communication is a Virus - The Pitch.

As a group we sat and discussed our ideas of how we could answer this brief. We focussed on the key points such as producing work that can and is applied across a range of media. 

This is the book we used to present our pitch at the critique. The three required research boards (concept, content, method of delivery) make up the content and we thought it was a nice way of showing it.

We all had a clear understanding of our concept and content, which was to 'get people to read more' and we took it to be that people already read but they don't read literature as much as they used to. So we're focussing on get people to to read old literature typically classic novels.

In terms of content we've decided to use quotes from the classic novels these are not the finalised ones but just to give examples. The work would include the author and the title of the book the quote is from so the audience can understand where its from and then in turn go and read the book.

For the method of delivery, as a live brief, we thought it would be appropriate to produce work that could be placed in areas with high a pedestrian count and the work would act as a piece of eye catching and questioning object. We plan to make a series of pieces and then go out and place them strategically so people will see them.

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