Tuesday 22 March 2011

Communication is a Virus - Booklets and Buntings.

Beth took up the task of designing the booklets and buntings.

The books came out really nicely and remain consistent with the rest of the posters. The title 'DON'T READ THIS' is trying to use reverse psychology as it makes the audience more intrigued by what the content would be.

The actually content is basically all the quotes we've used in the rest of the work and it gives details of who the author is and which book the quote is from.

Again the buntings came out well and I think they will work really well once they are put up.

All the work we are doing will be place in ways which wont harm anyone or the environment.

For example: the buntings will be tied up with string and so they will be moveable/re moveable, the 3D work will be out of the way of anyones path so nobody will trip or fall over it, the posters will be put up using blue tack so no damage to any surfaces will happen and the booklets will just be placed on top on the boxes and in various places so they wont be obstructing anything or damaging anything.

Good job Beth.

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