Wednesday 25 April 2012

Product//Range//Distribution - Picking out the briefs

  • Crafts - Illustration
  • Sponsor: Little White LiesAlways dreamt of being a cover star? Well, now's your chance. Choose from one of this year’s top five films, and create your own unique cover for Little White Lies magazine.

'Create a campaign to make i (The essential Daily briefing from The Independent) the most read newspaper among students'


i, the UK’s first quality daily newspaper to hit newsstands in almost 25 years, went on sale on Tuesday 26 October 2010 offering a concise quality newspaper for just 20p. It is a new kind of paper designed for people with busy, modern lives. Colourful and accessible, concise and intelligent, it’s an essential daily briefing. 
Until the launch of i readers of quality newspapers had to pay £1 daily for a paper. Consumers are time poor and research showed they rarely got through a full newspaper, making a daily purchase feel increasingly wasteful. i has experienced great success with a readership of approx 368k and growing. i has also seen success through daily interaction with readers and now has a Facebook following of 14,896 and a twitter following of 30,198.

Creative challenge

We would like to engage with a younger audience, specifically students, to make i the most read newspaper amongst the student market, as well as significantly raising our circulation. In addition, we want to build a student community and have in-depth engagement/interaction with this market.


Your campaign must be highly creative and intelligently resourceful, capable of putting small budgets to big effect. It needs to begin on campus, but can have scope to grow elsewhere. It must be able to translate online and through social media channels. Consider how your campaign can maximise exposure through: PR, events, newsletters and other means. Remember that we have access to a national paper and website with a specific student area:


  • You must use the i logo.
  • i uses the font, ‘Stag’ which is detailed in the brief’s    project pack. You must use this font or a font which    is similar. The CMYK colour breakdown can also be found in the   project pack.
  • It is key to communicate: price, quality and that i is concise.
  • The key is to encourage a younger audience to sample i. Once people trial the product they love it.


I recently discovered that I share a birthdate with BBC broadcasting its first televised news bulletin; the Salvation Army being founded in London’s East End; Spam being introduced and, not least, the birth of ‘Dolly the Sheep’. Subsequently, 
to find that I share a birthday with PT Barnum, Robbie Robertson, Paul Smith, Huey Lewis and Royce da 5’9” inspired the widest range of emotion and aspiration.
Access to data is so effective that we are now better equipped than ever to create information that expresses histories in the personal as well as the international forum.
The Brief
We want you to consider how best to interpret the project theme. Is it what happened through 
the centuries on a specific day in the month/year 
or could it be the story of one particular day in time? The ‘Big Bang’; Battle of Hastings; the first pulls of Gutenberg’s 42-line bible’; Elvis Presley on the Ed Sullivan Show; assassination 
of JFK; Liverpool’s European Cup win in 2005 
or the atrocity of 9/11 – you are spoilt for choice. 
However fascinating the topic and the information that you select, your challenge is to create a delivery platform that demands the reader’s attention. It needs to address the norms of information architecture while actively working to evoke an emotional response from the reader or viewer.
Use print, screen, combined media – the choice is yours – as long as it expresses a solid idea, informs us and shows your typographic skills. Remember that words and language are our collateral and that your submission should be essentially typographic. 
Target Market
Define your market, and how you will target it, 
in your Strategy.
• Research and Development
• Strategy 
• Specifications/Grid(s) 
• Dummy/Prototype(s) 
• Presentation 
Cross-reference this project brief with the ‘Assessment Criteria’ sheet. 
Submissions will only be accepted in one robust portfolio no larger than a2.

World No Tobacco Day 2012 Poster Contest

The World Health Organization (WHO) selects 'tobacco industry interference' as the theme of the next World No Tobacco Day, which will take place on Thursday, 31 May 2012.

The campaign will focus on the need to expose and counter the tobacco industry's brazen and increasingly aggressive attempts to undermine the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) because of the serious danger they pose to public health.

Tobacco use is one of the leading preventable causes of death. The global tobacco epidemic kills nearly 6 million people each year, of which more than 600,000 are people exposed to second-hand smoke. Unless we act, it will kill up to 8 million people by 2030, of which more than 80% will live in low- and middle-income countries.

Last year, Kick Butts, Take Names held its first celebration in observation of the World Health Organization’s "World No Tobacco Day." We call our celebration "World No Tobacco [Abuse] Day" as a reminder that tobacco is neither friend nor The Enemy. We believe it is our disconnection from ourselves and from one another than stands in the way of our freedom. 

We are looking for a poster to draw attention to this date again this year, in this spirit. It is important that the poster uses no negative or fear-based images, that it incorporates our heart and fist logo, and that it is a powerful representation of the life-changing, life-saving, buttkicking work of Kick Butts, Take Names, changing the way the world sees and responds to tobacco. 

Entrants may gain a greater understanding of our work by searching (and liking) Kick Butts, Take Names and Nicci Tina, the Ambassador of Buttkicking, on Facebook, and YouTube. Deadline is 10 May 2012 to allow adequate time for judging, and for exposure of the winning poster prior to the 31 May date.

There is no entry fee.


All are eligible to enter.


There is no money prize. The winner will receive international exposure via our ever-growing community of Facebook friends, and a signed copy of Kick Butts, Take Names, retail value: $25. This will be a labor of love, and buttkicking social change

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