Wednesday 28 September 2011

'GOOD IS' - Proposal

I've had a few ideas but none of them are really appealing to me and I don't think i'll a good creative response out of my self if i choose to do one of them. My ideas so far are...

1. make ukulele's more popular as an instrument.
I could do this through any of the four methods but I think I would carry it out through Branding and Identity or best. Using existing brands I plan to create an event that would bring people together and show them the best qualities of ukulele's and the music associated with it. The branding would take a vintage poster/minimalistic print aesthetic as I feel that would keep within the instruments character. The work wouldn't be sophisticated but would take a fun and possibly humorous tone. The audience would be people that play music and who perhaps don't know much about the music of the ukulele.

2. inform people about the benefits of playing the ukulele.
I think this concept would be best carried threw by investigating Information and Wayfinding. I would gather statistics, facts, opinions and also carry out a personal test to get my information and move on to produce a series engaging pieces of infographics and/or posters. The audience would be people who don't play a musical instrument already.

3. promote the ukulele as an instrument and encourage people to play/buy one.
This would be done through Package and Promotion. Current packaging for musical instruments are very bland and straight forward, I would be aiming to achieve a more engage and aesthetically pleasing package. In terms of promotion I would create a series of posters, leaflets, cd giveaways, string packets, plectrum designs and 

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