Saturday 5 February 2011

This first box worked but the shape of the tabs made the box rather loose and it was quite difficult to assemble.

Using two tabs on each edge and changing the shape to provide more traction with the second box made the design more stable but didn't help with the difficulty when assembling it.

With box three i simply joined the two tabs together to make it more sturdy.

Box four i rounded off the edges to make it slide into the slots more smoothly making it easier to assemble however it loses some traction and is a bit looser than box three.

Box 5 i left the corners on the tabs nearest to the base of the box but rounded of the others so it has enough traction to stay together and it slides in easily.

Box 6 is just trying it wit ha different and thicker stock, it proved to be much more effective and will be a definite must when printing the final piece

Here is a mock up of what the inside would look like roughly. It seems fairly complex so would need some sort of instructions to go with it in side. Also this would be able to contain all 100 pieces it would then make the boxes collectors items. May need to rethink the idea behind the why the product is packaged. I feel it definitely needs to be more to do with the number 100 and use all the pieces in some way, this was an issue raised in one of the critiques.

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