Monday 6 December 2010

what if? ideas developed from the progress crit

This is a conversation i had with Stephanie on Facebook after the progress critique just exchanging a few ideas that we came up with earlier.

its areet love
we came up with a more focussed idea for the brief
oh alreet then, whats that then?
well instead of trying to show uni life as it 'really is' we thought we could focus on the changes in the costs of uni which ties really well in with the sudden changes to the tuition fees that they'll be charging as of next year and we can use info and comparisons like how its escalated from being free over a decade ago to being so extortionate and exclusive now
wow thats different, so are we still focusing on lifestyle, and the changes it may have or?
ooh i hadnt thought of that
what were u thinking as a product then?
yeah that would work nicely because it would have dramatic effects wouldnt it
yeah i imagine so, not just on students, but on clubs, food outlets etc
i havent yet looked into a product but i was thinking of maybe like a campaign and how to promote protests and help students and awareness
yeah it has so many knock on effects
in effect it would cause a student dircted reccession
ahh right then, yeah theres alot we cud do with this one
yeah i say copy and paste this convo to the blogs for development
okipoke lol
So, the main focus is tuition fee's, but what subject area did u guys talk about in particular? what changes?
well we didnt discuss it in depth
ah r we gna be mocking up sum designs this weekend orrrr
im so confused.
well i think we should gather more info on the recent news about the tuition fees and the protests and see whats already been done and then see how we can take it further or better it
also look at the past cost for tuition fees
to compare
oh right, yeah the history
we could almost produce a 'history book esque' timelineish product on tuition fees
yeah thats a good idea
i could be a whole range of products that work on a similar basis
to combat the issue on several fronts
right im off now good chat speak soon x

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